AUG#: +130,000 jobs.

Unemployment up at 3.7%...AUG jobs under Trump HERE

Thursday, July 21, 2011

More Jobs in Mining Since Obama Took Office?

How Many Jobs in Mining Has Obama Lost or Killed?  Was there job growth in Mining?

An anonymous reader wrote:
"I'm looking for an actual number of the jobs Obama has killed. Like how many oil workers, how many from coal mines because they have to shut down form the new EPA. Do you count the 200,000 that Obama hired in the Government?"
First of all, we now have more non-farm jobs in "real" numbers than we did when Obama was inaugurated, both in total and in the private sector.  Read here for detail.

Updated jobs numbers for July on Friday, August 5.
Check back then.
To honor this reader's request, I decided to look up the specifics of mining jobs since January 2009, when Obama took office.  I'll discuss private vs. government jobs lost or gained in another article, hopefully tomorrow.

First of all, we'll find the statistics on mining jobs listed under "Private/ Goods Producing Industries" in the Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment Situation Report.

Mining and Logging are one subset of that group, and "Mining" is subdivided into "Oil and Gas Extraction", "Other Mining", "Coal Mining", "Support Activities for Mining".  "Coal Mining" is a subset of "Other Mining".

So what has happened in mining since Obama took office in January 2009?  
  • Altogether, using seasonally adjusted numbers, there has been an increase of over 3% in jobs in "Mining and Logging". 
  • There were 25,000 more jobs in "Mining and Logging" in June 2011 vs. January 2009. 
  • The number of jobs in Logging decreased 7,500, but the number of jobs in Mining increased by almost 5%.  
  • There were 32,600 more jobs in Mining in June 2011 vs. January 2009.    
  • There was a 5% jump in "Oil and Gas Extraction".  7,500 jobs were added in this industry group.
  • Other mining (other than oil or gas) did decrease 4% with a loss of 9,200 jobs.
  • Coal mining increased slightly, by a fraction of a percent and a gain of 300 jobs.
  • Support activities for mining was the big industry group winner.  There was an increase of over 10% and 34,000 jobs in this industry group.
Let's quickly look at some numbers for this group in "raw" numbers not adjusted for seasonal variations:
  • There are 56,600 more "real" jobs in Mining now than there were when Obama took office.
  • There are an additional 9,600 "real" jobs in Oil and Gas Extraction now.
  • There are 8,200 additional "real" jobs in Mining other than Oil and Gas, including 1,000 more jobs in Coal Mining.
  • There are 38,800 more "real" jobs in "Support Activities for Mining" now than in January 2009.    
So the two industries that most concerned our reader, the ones in which he was sure Obama "killed" jobs, have both experienced job growth, during a time in which many other industries are still struggling to recover.  By the way, what's so new about the "new EPA"?   

Sorry, anonymous, but there is more oil extraction under Obama, and even more coal miners under Obama.   


  1. The problem then becomes. That there is still not enough rare earth minerals. We can produce all the dirty mines you want. Which can be redone by clean tech. However, the one's we need like rare earth and other production minerals we can't seem to get going fast enough. Even though I will say we have opened two since. President Bush allowed them to close. We need approximately 150 more mines. To even deal with our economy and the way our ability to build and supply is.

    Rider i

  2. Rider, I don't know much of the details about the mining industry. I did check out your blog, and, to be honest, I can't understand your point. I take it that English is not your first language? Perhaps a very, very simple statement of what you are trying to achieve with that blog, just two or three sentences, would help. In terms of my numbers here, I am just reporting what has been published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That's all.


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